50 Spots OPEN UP ON November 24, 2023

Welcome to the
Wealth Para Todos Academy Waitlist

By joining the waitlist you get can get two years of membership for the price of one year.

Financial Investment: $2,222 when paid in full
or 5 payments of $555

Who We Are: We're a dedicated community focused on enhancing financial literacy, fostering positive money attitudes, and developing routines that set us on a path to become work optional. Together, we empower ourselves to overcome systemic barriers like racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, white supremacy, and ableism, prevalent in the US.

What We Do: Wealth Para Todos Academy members, acknowledge systemic barriers but exercise our agency to build wealth. We are committed to engaging in D.I.V.E.R.S.E. self-care so we have the emotional and mental bandwith to follow a financial plan that puts on track to becoming work optional con tiempo. We want to work because we want to, not because we have to.

Membership Benefits: As a member, you gain exclusive access to live monthly workshops and group coaching sessions, a personalized dashboard to track your spending and contributions, an eMoney account to monitor expenses and investment progress, access to a private messaging app, and one 45-minute 1:1 call with Soledad

Join the waitlist today

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